Wednesday, February 8, 2017

When Your Husband Just Isn't "Into the Whole God Thing"

This.  This is a source of brokenness for so many women.  I have heard this story more than any other, a story about a husband that rejects God.  From the crying woman in the church bathroom, or the many women in my small group, to the personal phone calls or messages I have received, just know this:  you are not alone.  Countless women are bearing this burden that weighs heavy on the heart just like you.  Though you may be familiar with this brokenness, take heart in knowing that Jesus desires to share His wholeness with you.

About two years into my marriage my husband and I were at odds.  When we married, he was a single dad, I was a single mom, neither one of us having been married before.  But right around that two year mark I was ready to have that “our” baby I so desperately wanted.  I thought I was finally going to get to do it “the way God designed it.”  Don’t get me wrong:  I loved (and presently love) the two we had entering our marriage and found them to be blessings, but were two broken families merging together:  I wanted to experience the wholeness I thought having a family together would create.  My husband, on the other hand, wasn’t so thrilled at the prospect of having another baby.  This was NOT his idea of finding wholeness.  Onset fighting.  Arguments.  Discontentment.  Brokenness.  Our marriage seemed to be falling apart when he finally gave in.  I got pregnant.  But as it would turn out, pregnancy didn’t exactly cure our indifference. 

The night of February 13th I laid in bed crying, “God, I can’t do this anymore.  Our marriage isn’t working, and I don’t want to be a single mom again.  I can’t do it, God, just take this baby from me.”  ß I cry even writing this.  I was so broken.  The next morning was my first real doctor’s appointment, the 12 week appointment.  My hubby came along.  During the appointment the nurse offered to give us a quick ultrasound if time allowed.   This wasn’t a standard thing to do at a 12 week appointment, but they had just been given an ultrasound unit from one of the hospitals.  Time allowed and she squirted that cold gel onto my belly and began to look around.  I watched on the screen thinking I would see something similar to what I saw with my firstborn.  But I didn’t.  Quickly my heart sank, and my mind raced with the vast array of issues that maybe God allowed in order to answer that broken, desperate prayer.  The nurse’s silence made moments feel like an eternity.  Finally she spoke up “well I didn’t want to say anything until I was certain, but you’re having twins!”  WHAT?  WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY?  My husband and I shot each other the deer in headlights kind of look.  We walked away from that appointment forever changed.

Immediately my husband went into protective mode, caring for me, encouraging me to sleep, and helping me to eat as much food as I possibly could.  We were no longer arguing, but enjoying one another once again anticipating (and a bit scared) of what was to come.  Only God knew what it would take to change my husband’s heart towards me, and mine towards him.  It was this answer to prayer that really pushed me to chase after Christ, to love Him and pursue Him…I was all in.

Prior to this I had prescribed to the method of “we grow together” regarding our walk with Christ (we were both luke warm in our walk).  It’s a terrible method, by the way.  Don’t let your faith hinge on the faith of your husband.  Instead, may I encourage you to take charge of your own relationship with Christ?  Forget whether or not he’s gonna get spiritually healthy and focus on getting yourself spiritually healthy.  It is only through Christ that you will experience the wholeness you crave even when you experience brokenness around you.  I love how The Voice Bible translates Psalm 23:3 “He makes me whole again, steering me off worn, hard paths to roads where truth and righteousness echo His name.” 

Pray for the man.  It can be challenging to know what to pray for other than the obvious relationship we’d like him to have with Christ.  I HIGHLY recommend “The Power of a Praying Wife” by Stormie Omartian.  She will guide you through some of the best prayers you can pray for your husband!  I’m not being paid for this endorsement, I am suggesting it based on what I’ve experienced when I’ve prayed these prayers over my husband.  And one of the best things?  When he says something that you know was God answering one of your prayers:  it’s like a cool little inside thing between you and God. 

Pray for yourself.  Every single wife that I know where the husband really just isn’t that into “the whole God thing” has experienced harsh criticism from her husband.  The kinds of words that burn deep into your soul and are hard to let go of.  Pray for your husband, but be sure to pray for yourself too… that God would give you the grace and wisdom to meet harsh words with love and kindness, and the ability to let go of what he said to/about you.  Pray that God will give you the perspective and wisdom you’ll need…’cause you’re gonna need it.  “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”  James 1:5

Keep perspective.  There is more at work here than meets the eye:  there is a spiritual battle happening in your home all the time.  It can be draining when we experience this battle internally- the conflict between the Spirit and our sinful nature.  The Holy Spirit in you will be in conflict with more than your own sinful nature, it will be in conflict with his too.  So be gracious, this can feel draining for him, especially if he doesn’t understand why.
“So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.  For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature.  They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.”  Galatians 5:16-17 

No need to hit him upside the head with the Bible.  It’s good to know your Bible, in fact, crucial, but don’t use God’s Word to correct him all the time.  A good friend of mine once challenged me when she asked me “why are you expecting godly behavior from an ungodly person?”  If he doesn’t know God, be careful that you don’t place expectations on him to behave godly.  After all, we’re not looking for behavior modification, we’re after a heart transformation.  Without God’s grace, the conviction of sin can feel more like condemnation, and if your husband feels condemned, he’ll steer clear of God instead of wanting to know Him better.  Your actions will be the greatest testament to what God has done in your life, so love on the man, intensely and insanely.  “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  John 13:35 

Find godly friends.  These are the girls who will help you run the race when you feel weak or tired.  They will help you better understand God’s Word and encourage you to love your husband when love isn’t what you’re feeling.  I am so grateful for the many women who have come alongside me during the good, bad, and the ugly… they’ve been there.  The best part is:  they help build up my marriage rather than help me find ways to just jump ship.  Most of these friends I’ve made through small groups at church- it’s a great place to find them!

Be gracious with yourself.  Don’t put too much weight on everything you say and do.  You’re gonna say things or do things that you later realize weren’t right or the best…but it’s okay!  You and I are a work in progress!  Just remember that the same God who pursued you with a passion is the same God who pursues your husband with a passion.

Quick Prayer:

God, thank you for calling me to you, for loving me even when I run from you.  Help me to respond to your call on my life regardless of my husband’s response.  I pray that he too would be drawn to you and walk closely with you.  Help me to be a reflection of you to my husband.  I pray your protection over our marriage, that we wouldn’t be divided, but come together under You.  Help me to be loving, patient, and kind while you’re working on him, and help him to be loving, patient, and kind while you’re working on me.  In Jesus’ name, amen.
Jackie E

If you have found yourself struggling with this, please comment below with his first name only, and I will join you in praying over him….and I’ll pray for you as well!  You’ve got the next step girl, now GO!

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