Monday, January 7, 2019

The Tiny Bathroom Overhaul

When we originally looked at this house, I instantly fell in love with it.  Specifically the camouflage style countertops in both bathrooms (I hope you read that with as much sarcasm as I said... or wrote it with).  I mean really, what was the draw to this design?  Have no fear, under no circumstances would I allow these tiny spaces go unnoticed...or....hidden.  Because they were small bathrooms, I knew I needed to make them amazing.  I’ll let you decide for yourself!
Owner’s Suite:

In the master bathroom we removed the sink altogether and replaced it with the white base that keeps this small space feeling open and airy!  We purchased it from Lowe's- and though it's one of their pricier options, it was important to factor in whether an extra $100 was worth making the right impact vs. just making due with a less expensive version.  The tiles were in great condition and were installed well... but kinda ugly.  Our options were to tear out and install new tiles, leave them, or PAINT them!  I opted to paint them.  The wall tiles had to go though, so we tore them out and replaced them with the sleek shiplap.

And the hall bath:

This bathroom got a little less love than the master bath, but still a dramatic change!  Rather than going with a customized sink top, I created this dramatic top using butcher block and an undermounted sink.  If you go this route... be prepared to fight that block.  It's very challenging to cut.

What do you think?

Happy renovating!

Jackie E

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