Monday, March 21, 2016

Taking Control of the "Out of Control"

“Take back control!”  This is the message we often hear when we open our computers, turn on the tv, or even search through the “someday” pins on pinterest.  Take control of your weight, health, money, career, kids, relationships; you name it, answers on how to take control over any area of our life is just a click away.  Ever question if maybe we’re taking too much control and leaving our need for God’s control in our lives out in the cold? 

A few nights ago I had a dream that has since left me deep in thought and prayer.  I won’t go into too great of detail about that dream because I know it’s never quite as deep or fascinating to the hearer as it is for the one who dreamed it.  But the lesson from it caught my attention, and I have a feeling it’s something we could all learn from.

Cold outside, I was in a hurry to get to the next location about a mile from where I was.  I had two options:  walk it or drive it.  I felt in the deepest part of me that I should walk, BUT because I was in a hurry, I chose the quickest, warmest route…by car.  The entire route was glazed over with ice, but I didn’t relent.  I was determined to control the car in a manner that wouldn’t cause it to spin out.  Good in theory, but ultimately I crashed the car as we slid on the ice into an oncoming car.  The passenger was injured but I wasn’t so lucky; I died.  I experienced the out-of-body experience briefly before going and standing before the Lord.  Anticipating His judgment for my life, I was taken aback by what He did.  Instead He told me that He was going to give me another shot on earth, but that I wouldn’t be able to return to the life I was working towards (I was single and parentless in the dream).  The conditions for my return and consequences for ignoring His wisdom in that situation were that I wouldn’t be able to have children, nor could I marry.   

Wow.  I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve died in my dream, but the dream always ends abruptly when I do.  This one was very different, and I knew exactly what it was about:  CONTROL.  Having just moved our family over 5,000 miles from “home,” adjusting to a new place, phasing out a business that God had blessed, and knowing that we’ll be moving and doing it all over again in less than six months:  let’s just say I feel a little out of control. 

In areas where I have asserted myself to take control in my “out of control” situation, I’ve kind of left God out of the process.  And though it may be an area/areas where I have had control in the past, and know I can successfully control again, it doesn’t account for the conditions.  You may be able to drive the car, but you don’t control the conditions… God does.  He knows what lies ahead, the climate, situational circumstances, other people with whom you might collide, and the harm you may cause passengers for not listening to what God told you to do.  Each time we ignore His wisdom and guidance, we risk the people around us, and it might cost us the blessings God wants to give us. 

Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)

Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Imagine living a life that prevails because you are operating under God’s control rather than fighting Him for control to make your plans come to life!  We know that His purpose prevails, and we know that His purpose for us is good.

Jeremiah 29:11New (NIV)

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Ask God if there are areas in your life where you’ve taken control and need to give it back to Him.  Listen.  And do what He tells you… it might save you and the people around you a whole lot of hurt. 


Father, please forgive me for areas where I’ve taken control and not allowed you control.  Please help me to see areas in my life where I need to give you control, please help me to hear what it is that you’re saying, and to live out what you tell me.  I love you.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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